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- ; Install script for ReqTools (Workbench 2.1 or higher)
- (set @default-dest "")
- (set old_level @user-level)
- (set reqtoolslib "//libs20/reqtools.library")
- (set rtpatch "//RTPatch/RTPatch")
- (set catalogdir "//Catalogs/")
- ;=============================================================================
- ; English strings
- (set default_lang 4)
- (set #bad-kick
- (cat "You must be using Kickstart 2.04 to install using this script!"
- " Double-click the 'Workbench_1.2-1.3' icon to install ReqTools on"
- " Kickstart 1.2 or 1.3 machines."
- ))
- (set #copying-reqtools "Copying reqtools.library to Libs:...")
- (set #copying-rtpatch "Copying RTPatch...")
- (set #which-language
- (cat "\nWhich languages should be installed?"
- ))
- (set #which-language-help
- (cat "\nThe Amiga can be operated in many different"
- " languages. If you want ReqTools requesters to"
- " use the same language as the Amiga Workbench"
- " then a catalog file must be copied to your"
- " system disk for each language supported.\n\n"
- "To reduce the amount of space consumed by the"
- " language files, you can select to have only the"
- " files of specific languages copied.\n\n"
- "Simply check the boxes of the languages you wish"
- " to have available on your system.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- (set #install-msg
- (cat "\n\nReqTools installation script.\n"
- "This script installs ReqTools library on your Amiga.\n\n"
- "Read the DISTRIBUTION file for\n"
- "more information on the distribution\n"
- "and commercial usage of ReqTools.\n\n"
- "ReqTools © 1991-1994 Nico François\n"
- "All rights reserved."
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; Portugues strings
- (if (= @language "português")
- (
- (set default_lang 256)
- (set #bad-kick
- (cat "É preciso de ter o Kickstart 2.04 para poder instalar!" ))
- (set #copying-reqtools "Copiando reqtools.library para a Libs:...")
- (set #copying-rtpatch "Copiando RTPatch...")
- (set #which-language
- (cat "\nQue linguagens deverão ser instaladas?" ))
- (set #which-language-help
- (cat "\nO Amiga pode ser operado em muitas linguagens "
- "diferentes. Alguns ficheiros têm de ser copiados "
- "para o seu disco rígido por cada linguagem suportada.\n\n"
- "Para reduzir o consumo de espaço no disco pelas linguagens "
- "poderá apenas escolher aquelas que lhe serão úteis.\n\n"
- "Para isto basta apenas marcar as caixas com os nomes das "
- "linguagens para que estas sejam instaladas.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- (set #install-msg
- (cat "\n\nScript de Instalação do ReqTools.\n"
- "Este script instala o ReqTools no seu Amiga.\n\n"
- "Leia o ficheiro DISTRIBUTION para\n"
- "mais informação acerca da distribuição\n"
- "e uso comercial do ReqTools.\n\n"
- "ReqTools © 1991-1994 Nico François\n"
- "Todos os Direitos Reservados."
- ))
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; Spanish strings
- (if (= @language "español")
- (
- (set default_lang 8)
- ; string needs to be changed (see english string)
- (set #bad-kick
- (cat "Necesita usar el Kickstart 2.04 para instalar!"
- ))
- (set #copying-reqtools "Copiado reqtools.library a Libs:...")
- (set #copying-rtpatch "Copiado RTPatch...")
- (set #which-language
- (cat "\n¿Qué lenguaje quiere instalar?"
- ))
- ; string needs to be changed (see english string)
- (set #which-language-help
- (cat "\nAmiga puede operar en diferentes idiomas. "
- "Se copiarán algunos ficheros a su disco duro "
- "por cada idioma utilizado.\n\n"
- "Para reducir el espacio usado en disco duro "
- "puede seleccionar sólo los ficheros del idioma "
- "que va a utilizar.\n\n"
- "Sólamente tiene que pulsar en el idioma que "
- "quiera instalar en su sistema.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- ; not translated yet!
- ;(set #install-msg
- ;(cat "\n\nReqTools installation script.\n"
- ; "This script installs ReqTools library on your Amiga.\n\n"
- ; "Read the DISTRIBUTION file for\n"
- ; "more information on the distribution\n"
- ; "and commercial usage of ReqTools.\n\n"
- ; "ReqTools © 1991-1994 Nico François\n"
- ; "All rights reserved."
- ;))
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; French strings
- (if (= @language "français")
- (
- (set default_lang 16)
- (set #bad-kick
- (cat "Vous devez utiliser le Kickstart 2.04 pour pouvoir installer Reqtools"
- " avec ce script\n."
- " Double-cliquer sur l'icône 'Workbench_1.2-1.3' pour installer ReqTools"
- " sur une machine possédant le Kickstart 1.2 où 1.3." ))
- (set #copying-reqtools "Copie du fichier reqtools.library vers Libs:...") (set
- #copying-rtpatch "Copie du fichier RTPatch...")
- (set #which-language
- (cat "\nQuelles sont les langues à installer ?" ))
- (set #which-language-help
- (cat "\nL'Amiga peut fonctionner dans différentes langues. "
- "Plusieurs fichiers doivent être copiés sur le disque dur "
- "pour chaque langue utiliséee\n\n"
- "Pour réduire la quantité d'espace utilisé par ces fichiers, "
- "vous devez sélectionner seulement les langues qui vous seront "
- "utiles.\n\n"
- "Cochez les langues que vous souhaitez être disponibles "
- "sur votre système\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- (set #install-msg
- (cat "\n\nScript d'installation de ReqTools.\n"
- "Ce script installe la librairie ReqTools sur votre Amiga.\n\n"
- "Lisez le fichier intitulé DISTRIBUTION pour\n"
- "de plus amples informations sur la distribution\n"
- "et l'utilisation commerciale de ReqTools.\n\n"
- "ReqTools © 1991-1994 Nico François\n"
- "Tous Droits réservés."
- ))
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; German strings
- (if (= @language "deutsch")
- (
- (set default_lang 2)
- (set #bad-kick
- (cat "Sie müssen Kickstart 2.04 benutzen, um dieses Skript zur Installation "
- "benutzen zu können! Klicken sie zweimal auf das 'Workbench_1.2-1.3'"
- "-Piktogramm, um ReqTools auf Rechnern mit Kickstart 1.2 oder 1.3 zu "
- "installieren."
- ))
- (set #copying-reqtools "Kopieren Datei reqtools.library nach Libs:...")
- (set #copying-rtpatch "Kopieren Datei RTPatch...")
- (set #which-language
- (cat "\nWelche Sprachen sollen installiert werden?"
- ))
- (set #which-language-help
- (cat "\nDer Amiga kann in vielen verschiedenen Sprachen betrieben werden. "
- "Wenn Sie wollen, daß die ReqTools-Dialogfenster die gleiche Sprache "
- "wie die Amiga-Workbench benutzen, müssen für jede zu installierende Sprache "
- "zwei Dateien auf Ihre Festplatte kopiert werden.\n\n"
- "Um den Platz in Grenzen zu halten, den die Sprachentreiberdateien "
- "einnehmen, können Sie wählen, nur die Treiber für bestimmte "
- "Sprachen zu installieren.\n\n"
- "Klicken Sie einfach die Felder derjenigen Sprachen an, die Sie in "
- "Ihrem System verfügbar haben wollen, so daß diese Sprachen mit "
- "einem Häkchen markiert sind.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- (set #install-msg
- (cat "\n\nReqTools Installationsskript.\n"
- "Diese Befehlsdatei installiert die ReqTools-Library auf Ihrem Amiga.\n\n"
- "Lesen Sie die 'DISTRIBUTION'-Datei für\n"
- "weitere Informationen über Weitergeabe\n"
- "und kommerzielle Nutzung von ReqTools.\n\n"
- "ReqTools © 1991-1994 Nico François\n"
- "All rights reserved."
- ))
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; Dutch strings
- (if (= @language "nederlands")
- (
- (set default_lang 64)
- (set #bad-kick
- (cat "U moet Kickstart 2.04 gebruiken om met dit installatie script te"
- " installeren! Dubbel-klik het 'Workbench_1.2-1.3' ikoon om ReqTools"
- " te installeren op Kickstart 1.2 of 1.3 machines."
- ))
- (set #copying-reqtools "Kopieer reqtools.library naar Libs:...")
- (set #copying-rtpatch "Kopieer RTPatch...")
- (set #which-language
- (cat "\nWelke talen moeten geïnstalleerd worden?"
- ))
- (set #which-language-help
- (cat "\nDe Amiga kan werken in verschillende talen."
- " Als u wilt dat ReqTools in dezelfde taal werkt"
- " dan moet er voor elke taal een bestand naar"
- " uw systeem disk gekopieerd worden.\n\n"
- "Om de grootte van het geheugen die de taal bestanden"
- " innemen te verkleinen, kunt u een keuze maken uit"
- " de talen, die vervolgens naar uw systeem disk worden"
- " gekopieerd .\n\nU hoeft alleen die talen die u op"
- " uw systeem wilt hebben aan te klikken.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- (set #install-msg
- (cat "\n\nReqTools installatie script.\n"
- "Dit script installeert 'ReqTools library' op uw Amiga.\n\n"
- "Lees het 'DISTRIBUTION' bestand voor\n"
- "meer informatie over de verspreiding\n"
- "en het commcerciële gebruik van ReqTools.\n\n"
- "ReqTools © 1991-1994 Nico François\n"
- "All rights reserved."
- ))
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; Italian strings
- (if (= @language "italiano")
- (
- (set default_lang 32)
- ; string needs to be changed (see english string)
- (set #bad-kick
- (cat "E' necessario il Kickstart 2.04 per installare!"
- ))
- (set #copying-reqtools "Copia reqtools.library nel Libs:...")
- (set #copying-rtpatch "Copia RTPatch...")
- (set #which-language
- (cat "\nQuali lingue devono essere installate? "
- ))
- ; string needs to be changed (see english string)
- (set #which-language-help
- (cat "\nAmiga può operate con lingue differenti. "
- "Per ogni lingua supportata saranno copiati "
- "numerosi file sul vostro disco fisso.\n\n"
- "Per ridurre lo spazio occupato da questi "
- "file, potete installare solo quelli di una "
- "lingua specifica.\n\n"
- "Segnate solo i riquadri delle lingue che volete "
- "siano disponibili sul vostro sistema.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- ; not translated yet!
- ;(set #install-msg
- ;(cat "\n\nReqTools installation script.\n"
- ; "This script installs ReqTools library on your Amiga.\n\n"
- ; "Read the DISTRIBUTION file for\n"
- ; "more information on the distribution\n"
- ; "and commercial usage of ReqTools.\n\n"
- ; "ReqTools © 1991-1994 Nico François\n"
- ; "All rights reserved."
- ;))
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; Danish strings
- (if (= @language "dansk")
- (
- (set default_lang 1)
- (set #bad-kick
- (cat "Din maskine har ikke Kickstart 2.04, mindstekravet"
- " for dette installations-program.\n\n"
- "Dobbeltklik på 'Workbench_1.2-1.3' ikonet for at installere"
- " ReqTools på maskiner med Kickstart 1.2 eller 1.3"
- ))
- (set #copying-reqtools "Kopierer reqtools.library til Libs:...")
- (set #copying-rtpatch "Kopierer RTPatch...")
- (set #which-language
- (cat "\nHvilke(t) sprog skal installeres?"
- ))
- (set #which-language-help
- (cat "\nDin Amiga kan arbejde på mange forskellige sprog.\n"
- "Der skal kopieres adskillige filer til din system-disk"
- " for hvert sprog du vil benytte.\n\n"
- "Hvis ReqTools kun skal kommunikere på Engelsk,"
- " behøver du ikke at vælge andre sprog.\n\n"
- "Klik på knapperne ud for hvert sprog du vil have til"
- " rådighed på dit system.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- ; not translated yet!
- ;(set #install-msg
- ;(cat "\n\nReqTools installation script.\n"
- ; "This script installs ReqTools library on your Amiga.\n\n"
- ; "Read the DISTRIBUTION file for\n"
- ; "more information on the distribution\n"
- ; "and commercial usage of ReqTools.\n\n"
- ; "ReqTools © 1991-1994 Nico François\n"
- ; "All rights reserved."
- ;))
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; Swedish strings
- (if (= @language "svenska")
- (
- (set default_lang 512)
- ; string needs to be changed (see english string)
- (set #bad-kick
- (cat "Du måste använda Kickstart 2.04 för att kunna installera!"
- ))
- (set #copying-reqtools "Kopierar reqtools.library till Libs:...")
- (set #copying-rtpatch "Kopierar RTPatch...")
- (set #which-language
- (cat "\nVilka språk skall installeras?"
- ))
- ; string needs to be changed (see english string)
- (set #which-language-help
- (cat "\nAmigan kan arbeta med flera olika språk. Ett flertal filer "
- "måste kopieras till hårddisken för varje språk du vill kunna "
- "använda.\n\n"
- "För att minimera hårddiskutrymmet för språkfiler kan du "
- "välja att bara installera filerna för vissa språk.\n\n"
- "Markera bara rutorna för de språk du önskar installera "
- "i din dator.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- ; not translated yet!
- ;(set #install-msg
- ;(cat "\n\nReqTools installation script.\n"
- ; "This script installs ReqTools library on your Amiga.\n\n"
- ; "Read the DISTRIBUTION file for\n"
- ; "more information on the distribution\n"
- ; "and commercial usage of ReqTools.\n\n"
- ; "ReqTools © 1991-1994 Nico François\n"
- ; "All rights reserved."
- ;))
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; Norwegian strings
- (if (= @language "norsk")
- (
- (set default_lang 128)
- (set #bad-kick
- (cat "Du må ha Kickstart 2.04 for å installere!"
- "Dobbel-klikk på 'Workbench_1.2-1.3' ikonet for å installere"
- "ReqTools på maskiner med Kickstart 1.2 eller 1.3"
- ))
- (set #copying-reqtools "Kopier fil reqtools.library til Libs:...")
- (set #copying-rtpatch "Kopier fil RTPatch...")
- (set #which-language
- (cat "\nHvilke språk skal installeres?"
- ))
- (set #which-language-help
- (cat "Amiga kan benytte mange forskjellige språk. "
- "Dersom du vil ha ReqTools til å bruke samme språk "
- "som er benyttet på Amiga Workbench'en, må en "
- "språkfil kopieres til system disken din. "
- "Språkfiler må kopieres til disken for hvert språk"
- " som du installerer.\n\n"
- "For å redusere plassen som benyttes til språkfiler, "
- "kan du velge ut de språkene du vil ha tilgjengelige "
- "på maskinen din.\n\n"
- "Sett en hake ved de språkene du ønsker å ha "
- "tilgjengelige på din maskin.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- ; not translated yet!
- ;(set #install-msg
- ;(cat "\n\nReqTools installation script.\n"
- ; "This script installs ReqTools library on your Amiga.\n\n"
- ; "Read the DISTRIBUTION file for\n"
- ; "more information on the distribution\n"
- ; "and commercial usage of ReqTools.\n\n"
- ; "ReqTools © 1991-1994 Nico François\n"
- ; "All rights reserved."
- ;))
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; make sure we are running under a 2.04 ROM
- (if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
- (
- (abort #bad-kick)
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- (message #install-msg)
- (copylib
- (prompt "\n" #copying-reqtools)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source reqtoolslib)
- (dest "Libs:")
- (confirm)
- )
- (if (exists "C:RTPatch")
- (
- (copylib
- (prompt "\n" #copying-rtpatch)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source rtpatch)
- (dest "C:")
- (confirm)
- )
- ))
- (if (exists "SYS:WbStartup/RTPatch")
- (
- (copylib
- (prompt "\n" #copying-rtpatch)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source rtpatch)
- (dest "SYS:WbStartup")
- (confirm)
- )
- ))
- (if (exists "SYS:Locale")
- (
- (if (exists "LOCALE:")
- (
- (user 2)
- (set lang (askoptions (prompt #which-language)
- (help #which-language-help)
- (choices
- "Dansk"
- "Deutsch"
- "English"
- "Español"
- "Français"
- "Italiano"
- "Nederlands"
- "Norsk"
- "Português"
- "Svenska")
- (default default_lang)
- )
- )
- (user old_level)
- (set n 0)
- (while (set language (select n
- "dansk"
- "deutsch"
- "english"
- "español"
- "français"
- "italiano"
- "nederlands"
- "norsk"
- "português"
- "svenska"
- ""))
- (
- (if (IN lang n)
- (
- (if (<> 2 n)
- (
- (makedir (cat "LOCALE:Catalogs/" language))
- (copyfiles (source (cat catalogdir language))
- (dest (cat "LOCALE:Catalogs/" language))
- (all)
- )
- ))
- ))
- (set n (+ n 1))
- ))
- ))
- ))